I have been planning for the the last few days what I would make first and decided to start small, making small silver elements to complement the semi precious beads I bought last week.
It felt good to saw, file, solder and even score metal however I am a bit rusty to say the least!
I might need to dig out my copy of Jewelry Concepts and Technology by Oppi Untracht.
My metal was measured out very carefully on Tuesday while I was watching Blithe Spirit!
My coffee break today allowed me to go into the back garden and take a few photos of interesting textures. I just missed getting a photo of the beautiful rainbow.
But I had to get back to work...
I made a round frame to be used with my Fluorite coins and a square frame to be used with my White Agate cubes. I just need to put the 'tops' on the frames to make them into 'boxes'. The round frame was fairly straightforward but the square frame was made by slightly scoring the corners so that the metal bent into a square easier. I need to practice my scoring!
Excellent, my vertical drill seems to be on strike so I had to drill the holes I needed in my metal by hand. The first one took 14 minutes! I got my time down to 5 minutes though. I'll need to try and fix it tomorrow but because I wont get very far by hand drilling everything!
The three 'bits' I made today. I am very chuffed with myself and I would have keep working but it gets very cold in the workshop after the sun goes down.
I really like the hammered texture on the silver box. Fluorite is such a lovely stone and this photo does it no justice at all. I need to work on the design and stringing of this piece but I am very happy with the progress of this afternoon.