Wednesday, 29 February 2012

Four new necklaces

It has been all go for Ruth Gordon Jewellery today! Four new necklaces finished and photographed, lots of marketing plans in action, a huge list of things to do tomorrow made and a good bit of pinning done on Pinterest!

This necklace is made from black and white agate with crystals and a square silver box bead. It is my favourite necklace that I have made so far this year. It is a real departure for me to make pieces in black and white with no colour. I once did a Black and White Exhibition at the Angela Mellor Gallery and found it all very strange but a good experience too. 


This necklace is made from Chinese jade with a silver box bead. The jade beads are so beautiful that I feel they need no other stones or elements other than the silver around them. I had originally had more of the large coin beads on the necklace but I felt the twisted oval beads lent more to the overall look of the piece.

The third piece I made was a coral, aventurine and silver box bead necklace. I was a hard piece to design and I changed the stringing of the design about eight times before I came up the solution. The coral stones are quite like the chinese jade with all the beautiful natural inclusions and I feel that these wee aventurine beads really set off the colours in the coral.

Another coral piece. Two different sizes of sponge coral lentil beads with two silver box beads, one hammer textured and one plain matt. This piece was incredibly hard to photograph so it is hard to see hammered texture on the small box bead. The lentil beads sit at an angle so they follow the neck perfectly when the necklace is worn,

Please do let me know what you think about these new pieces, comments are always welcome!

Also don't forget Ruth Gordon Jewellery is now on Folksy.

Monday, 27 February 2012

Ruth Gordon Jewellery is now on Folksy

The Ruth Gordon Jewellery page on Folksy went live last week and it has been getting steady views from the UK and the US.

Currently there are eleven pieces of jewellery for sale ranging in price from £20 up to £60. All pieces are designed and hand made by me and they come in exclusive Ruth Gordon Jewellery packaging.

More items for sale will be added soon but for now why not bookmark this page and if you are registered with Folksy (if you are not it is quick and easy, just follow this link - please add me to your Favourite Shops.

Happy shopping!

Thursday, 23 February 2012

First images of new work......

A very quick post just to show off the three necklaces I finished today. 

Better quality pictures will follow!

Aventurine, Tourmalinated Quartz and Silver Necklace

 Red Agate, Tourmalinated Quartz, Carnelian, Pearl and Silver Necklace

Fluorite, Rose Quartz and Silver Necklace

I am very happy with the design of these three. Back to the drawing board for the other five! Keep checking back here for more updates!

Monday, 20 February 2012

Quick catch up with a map.

I've been so busy recently that I have not had time to write any blog posts so I have a bit of catching up to do!

First of all I have a map. A big one. I am using it to track where my jewellery is (in galleries, shops etc.) so that I can ensure I get the best coverage, geographically.

Green flags show where I currently have work on sale in galleries. It's a work in progress....

I have been very busy, as I previously said, in the workshop making pieces to send to galleries.  I have nearly finished these pieces and will be able to take photos of the final products in the next few days.


I have also been setting up my Folksy shop so that I can rebuild my online presence. It has taken a bit longer than I had hoped but it will be up and running this week. See the link below...

I also spent about a day and a half taking photos of every single piece of work and carrying out a stock take of my work that I have in stock. The results have clearly shown me that I need a better inventory system which seems ridiculous as I spent 6 years working in inventory! A better database will in place very soon.

My to do list is huge and growing every day but I will get through it!

Just a quick catch up today but I will post again very shortly with some photos of these new pieces I am working on.
