I realise I have been quite quiet recently, so I thought I would write an update with what is going on at Ruth Gordon Jewellery at the moment.
I am currently preparing for 'Crafted', a craft fair organised by Creative Hinckley. I haven't taken part in a craft event for years due to the demands that the 'day job' previously made on my time, so I'm really looking forward to it. It's really great to speak to the public about your work and meet other makers. I'm looking forward to setting up shop on my 6 foot table!
Over the past few months I have been working on some pieces that have no colour in them at all, which is a great departure for me. I have always worked with colour in my jewellery, whether it be enamel, cold enamel, acrylic or nylon so it feels strange to see plain silver pieces in my range. The work does have texture and many of the pieces use the familiar dome shape from my cluster range, so it's not a complete u-turn in design!
I will have some work in the Focus Gallery's next exhibition, starting on 22nd June. The idea of the exhibition is to showcase some of the best work in the East Midlands and I'm honoured to be included.
Ruth Gordon Jewellery has a new stockist this summer. New Brewery Arts in Cirencester will be stocking a collection of Ruth Gordon Jewellery in their craft shop. The arts centre has a gallery, craft shop, cafe and theatre and they also offer craft courses and have on-site craftspeople working in media such as ceramics and stained glass.
Throughout June, I am celebrating summer by offering 10% off anything in my Etsy Shop! Have a browse and use code JUNE2013 at the checkout.