Tuesday, 22 January 2013

New Years Resolutions - an update

So after my post from last week I though I had better re-evaluate the situation to see how well it's going and what I need to work on.

1. More structure to my day. 

I am now using Gantt planners to plan my day, week, month and year. I read about them in Angie Boothroyd's book Setting Up a Successful Jewellery Business.

Angie's book is really helpful and I would recommend it to all jewellery business owners, whether you have set up already or not. I started my business in 2004 and I found this book helpful and interesting to read.

The planners are simple to make and follow. I have only had two scheduling issues, one was because I was writing an epic blog post which took a long time to write and the other was because of the snow.

I will write about Angie's book, Gantt planners and how to I plan my days etc in an upcoming post.

 2. More, better sleep. 

I am still working on this one.

3. Read more. 

And this one!

4. Watch more films. 

We watched two films last week, Africa United and Robin Hood. I enjoyed both of them. Africa United is about a group of children that walk 3000 miles from Rwanda to South Africa so they can attend the opening ceremony of the world cup. I thought it was a lovely film and I thought the actors in it were amazing. It was funny, friendship filled film with a few more serious twists. Robin Hood was approach cautiously as we had heard some not very flattering reviews of the film and especially the accents. The film definitely has flaws, the plot is messy, there isn't enough action and, yes, the accents are pretty much all terrible and I still enjoyed the film. It is beautifully made as you would expect from Ridley Scott.

5. Try new things. 

 Gantt planning is new....I am struggling on this one a bit.

6. Cook. 

I cooked salmon in the oven with chilli, ginger and lime, baked potatoes and vegetables last week. Tonight I am making a chicken and leek pie.

7. Re-learn French and Spanish. 

I haven't made time for this yet.

8. Run.

The six inches of snow we had are hampering my running slightly! The 10 mile race is looming!


So all in all, the planning and film watching is going well but everything else is slow to start. We'll see how it's going again next week.

Look out for a wedding jewellery blog post coming soon (that's the epic one I was writing!).

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